
The FPOA holds numerous private events for our members throughout the year. If you would like to support us by contributing to these special events, see below for different opportunities.
Contact our Events and Programs Coordinator for more information about specific needs.
Rebecca Johnson
Each Fall we gather for a full day of food, games, fun and entertainment for our members, FPD staff, and their immediate family. We welcome sponsorships for venues, entertainment, food and beverage, rental equipment and raffle prizes.

Santa always makes time to stop by this annual gathering for members and their children or grandchildren as we celebrate the holidays. We welcome sponsorships for festive activities such as cookie decorating, ornament making, entertainment, or food and beverage.
This gathering is reserved for our adult members, as we hold an open house to welcome our partners in business and city and county government for a festive social. We welcome sponsorships for entertainment, food and beverage, and rental equipment.